University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

 As part of the High School Supreme Student Government activities each year, the High School Library Head, Mrs. Michelle A. Abella facilitated the election of the Book Club officers for School Year 2015-2016. The Election was held at the High School Library at 4:00 in the afternoon on June 24, 2015. In the same venue, 510 Louisian Stars registered as Book Club members the newly elected officers of the Book Club are the following:


 President: Diane Nina Angeli Pattaguan

Vice President: Kassandra Melad

Secretary: Ria Jaravata

Auditor: Maridane Pagatpatan

Treasurer: Alexis Calimlim

P.I. O. Michael Gammad


Grade 10 Science: Audrey Collado

Grade 10 Academic: Alexis Annang

Grade 9 Science: Chellezen Danao

Grade 8 Science: Kate Rivera

Grade 8 Academic: Dave Borja and Fiona Vicencio

Grade 7 Science: Ysabelle Singson

Grade 7 Academic: Kyle Rivera

 Mrs. Michelle A. Abella and Mrs. Rosemarie Espanto are the Club’s moderators.