University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

Book Club Conducts Team Building

100_1020Last September 5, 2015, Saturday, the Book Club (BC) members attended a team-building activity organized by the officers. The objectives of the activity: to develop the spirit of camaraderie and cooperation among the members, to bring out in every student leader a driven sense of obligation and lastly, to boost the members’ sense of self esteem.   The facilitator of the activity was Ms. Charmaine Masuli, assisted by the library staff. The activity took place at High school Library, at around 8: 00 a.m

The activities were: “Google the jungle, ABC of spirituality, carry me on (newspaper), vibes tayo. 

The Book Club members have so much fun on the said activity.

High School Library Conducted SalinWika

100_0784The SalinWika activity was conducted on August 25, 2015 at the High School Library. The activity was led by Mrs. Michelle A. Abella and the Book Club Officers. Contestants from Science and Academic curriculum were given a piece of story entitled “The Yellow Room” by C.S. Canonigo., to be translated in Filipino language. The criteria of the said activity were as follows; Stage Presence, Translation, and Depth/use of words. Mrs. Daisy Dagdag as one of the judges announced the winners together with the prizes. Those participants who did not win will also be given a certificate of participation during the next awarding in the High School Department.

The winners are as follows:

Grade-7 Science: Alyssa Karylle Pacis - Wisdom

Grade-8 Science: Yowelle Sedano- St. Lorenzo Ruiz

Grade-9 Science: Sophia Nicole Barasi- Prudence

Grade-10 Science: Genevie Dayag – Jose Rizal


DSC_0141In support to the annual celebrations of World Read Aloud Day and Anti-Bullying month, the USL Elementary Library in partnership with the Elementary Guidance Office conducted storytelling and lecture on anti-bullying among Kindergarten and Preschool pupils held at the Elementary Library last November 4, 2015. The objective of the activity is to instill among pupils the value of having a bully-free school and at the same time the love for reading and libraries. Ms. Charmaine Masuli, a librarian of the college department served as guest storyteller of the book entitled “Bully” written by Ved Prakash. After the storytelling session, Mr. Virgilio Canceran, a guidance counselor explained the story read in relation to the anti-bullying advocacy of the school. The activity was well-appreciated by all participants.

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