University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

DOL and CLH Attended the PLAI National Congress 2013 and General Assembly in Iloilo City

5The Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. (PLAI) conducted its annual National Congress with the theme “Libraries: Preservers and Promoters of Culture and Arts” in Punta Villa Resort, Arevalo, Iloilo City on November 20-22, 2013. The Congress, chaired by our very own Director of Libraries, Mr. Michael A. Pinto who is the current Vice President of PLAI, was co-sponsored by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) through the National Committee on Libraries and Information Services (NCLIS).


Information Specialists: Leveling Up and Coping with Outcomes-based Librarianship

DSC_0452University of Saint Louis conducted a three day conference last October 16-18, 2013 at the 2nd floor College Library, of the University of Saint Louis, Tuguegarao City

With the theme: “Information Specialists: Leveling Up and Coping with Outcomes-based Librarianship”, the event was spearheaded by the Philippine Librarians Association (PLAI) and Cagayan Valley Region Librarians Council (CaVRLC), in cooperation with the DepEd RO2 Library

The three day conference comprised of several activities that paved the way to

1.) Building unity and collaboration among the participants

2.) Coming up with plans that will address issues and concerns in the field Librarianship

3.) Fostering camaraderie, leadership and unity among participants.

Mr. Michael A. Pinto, PLAI President and Director of Libraries of USL opened the program, while the University President, Rev. Father Eugene A. Arco, CICM welcomed the participants.

During the first day, Dr. Samuel R. Soliven, Supervisor, DepEd Region 2, shared an Overview of Outcomes-based Librarianship. Venus P. Ibarra-Guyos, talked about Library Instruction Program for Basic Education.

On the second day, plenary sessions were conducted by Mr. Michael A. Pinto, on Crafting a Development Plan for Libraries, after which, the participants presented their outputs.On the third day, Mr. David Carbonero, initiated the Action Planning and Dr. Rodrigo Balaqui Jr. PRC RO2 Director discussed on the importance of Continuing Professional Development.

Finally, participants shared the insights they gained from the different sessions.

Indeed, the 3-day seminar was fruitful and helpful to the staff of libraries in the region. Lucky are those who have participated. Looking forward to have this kind of opportunity next year!!

Pupils and Teachers: Excited About New Library Acquisitions

newacquisitionsIn the Summer Book Fair conducted at the College Library May 22-24, 2013, Elementary teachers selected books and multimedia materials for the Elementary Library. Of all the materials selected, a total of twenty-seven (27) titles were multimedia materials and eighty-one (81) titles and volumes were print materials. A new acquisitions display was also conducted inside the library which was enjoyed by pupils. Most of the new story books were already checked out on the first day they were allowed to be borrowed. Non-book materials were already borrowed by teachers.

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