University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

80th NATIONAL BOOK WEEK CELEBRATION (November 24-30, 2014)

SAM_2957 In support to the annual National Book Week celebration in the country with the theme: ”Philippine Libraries: Future Possibilities”, the University of Saint Louis Elementary Library conducted last series of activities on November 24-30, 2014 including: Short Story making contest (mystery/adventure story and love story), “Shelfie” contest entitled “I Love this Book! Want it? Read it!”, Puppet Making Contest, Philippine Tour, Globe Tour, Read-a-thon Contest, QUIZ BEE “Tagisan ng mga Top Readers”, QUIZ BEE for kindergarten entitled “Who am I?” (character of story books) and the main event which is Story Telling Contest. The activities were conducted in partnership with Young Readers Club (YRC). Winners of the different activities were given tokens and certificates last December 3, 2014. A book donation drive is still on going until December 20, 2014. The main objective of the book donation drive entitled “BiblioCare Project” is to gather story books and reading materials from pupils in preparation for the forthcoming outreach activity of the department wherein an adopted Elementary school is the recipient of the book donation. Pupils in the different grade levels are encouraged to donate specially the officers and members of the (YRC).

The celebration was proven a huge success. It shall continue on as a major activity of the Elementary Library.


IMG_3084The Student-Assistants with the University Libraries’ Staff had their Recollection spearheaded by Daisy Q.Dagdag, SA In-charge. Such was held at the Bulwagang Andres Nowe with the theme “Working for the Library with Passion and Dedication” on October 5, 2014. The activity aimed to: 1) gather all SA’s and staff and share their time with one another in a venue for spiritual growth and; 2) rekindle in the SA’s and staff passion and dedication for work. The witty and able Mr. Joel Dannug, an Administrative Officer of the Department of Public Works and Highways was the Motivational Speaker.

Helping DepEd With Their Library

DSC00284On October 27, 2014 at 8:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M, Dr. Juliet Villanueva, the College Library Head, Michelle Abella, the High School Library Head, Mrs. Arlyn Cristobal, the  Elementary Library  Head, Mr. Arnold Pacis, the Multimedia Services Coordinator, Mr. Loui Tacata, the Library Database Administrator, Ms. Divina Belango, a Library  Support Staff together with the students, Jane Bunagan, BLIS 4, Gladys Requimin, BLIS 4, Dianne Tordillos, BLIS 3, Antonette Malana, BLIS 3  and Bobby Cauilan , BLIS 3 went to the DEPED Library to assist  in the organization and beautification of the library. All the books were well – organized. Sayings were posted on the library walls.

Indeed, the 1 –day activity was fruitful and successful. The said activity is a part of the outreach or extension program of the University Libraries.

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