University Libraries, University of Saint Louis


2On the auspicious day of February 11, 2015, the University Libraries, with glee and pride, launched yet another innovation: the USL e-Yearbooks! This is a 7-year long and laborious project that passed through the hands of three men who took charge of digitizing the print collection of yearbooks from 1968-2013.The project has been conceptualized in 2008. Reverend Father Eugene A. Arco, University President, led the crowd in the Untying of the Ribbon during the launching, a new tradition embraced by the University.

Present in the occasion were USL alumni, represented by USLT Alumni Association officers, administrators, employees and students.

As a side event to the launching, Open Browsing was done to accommodate alumni and other people interested in exploring the e-yearbooks. This was preceded by an activity called “e-Yearbook na ‘Yan!” where pictures of USL alumni were flashed and people vied to locate the picture first. Winners received prizes from the organizers.


16One fruitful activity to intensify the campaign for love for books, reading and libraries was the Speed Reading Activity that was conducted by the USL College Library at the 2nd floor, College Library on January 26, 2015.

A quick-witted video presentation showing the available Literature books of the library preceded the activity. Dr. Juliet D. Villanueva, College Library Head,welcomed the participants while the ever supportive Mrs. Venus I. Guyos, Director of Libraries sent her tips to the speed readers via text message.The contenders were given 20 minutes to read the literary masterpiece entitled “The Necklace”by Guy de Maupassant after which, the much awaited Quiz Bee took place.

Mrs.DanoleeneTugade, General Reference In-Charge and Ms. Maria Theresa Bautista, Health Science In-Charge hosted the activity while the OnofreUnciano, General Collection Section Librarian facilitated the reading proper inside the Discussion Room.

 With fastest reading speed and utmost accuracy, the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and agile-minded Speed Reading Winners were:

1st place: Mar John Maramag  (SBAA)

2nd place: Jane XandraBunagan (SICS)

3rd place: Arille Fatima Ancheta (SHS)


20141125_0012In celebration of the National Book Week with the theme “Philippine Libraries: Future Possibilities”, the High School Library led by Mrs. Michelle A. Abella conducted various activities participated to by the High School students and faculty. Among the activities conducted were movie marathon, puppet making contest, Y speak Dot Lib debate contest, 1 pix 4 words quiz bee, globe tour teacher edition and grouphie contest on chamber theater.
On November 24-28, 2014 a week-long movie marathon was held at 8:00-10:15, 11:30-1:00, and 4:00-6:00 in the High School Library. The movies were projected on screen during recess time, lunch breaks, and after classes in the afternoon to entertain the library comers. The following were the movies played: Pan’s Labyrinth, Voyage of the Unicorn, The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry, Bratz, and Mr. Woodcock.


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