The USL Libraries has once again successfully launched its project called “Book Mobile” to one of its adopted barangays at Gadu Day Care Center, Solana, Cagayan last December 10, 2015. Said launching activity was spearheaded by Ms. Maria Theresa C. Bautista, Health Sciences In-charge.
The Launching Program commenced with an overview of the project by Dr. Juliet D. Villanueva, OIC-Director of Libraries for the Statement of Purpose and elaborated its objectives. Furthermore, she emphasized that this project would foster a culture for reading among children and that reading has the power to hone a child’s learning skills in preparation for a good foundation of academic excellence.
Thereafter, untying of ribbon was headed by Kagawad Romeo L. Gacias and Kagawad Elvis D. Batang assisted by the OIC-Director of Libraries and Health Sciences In-charge. Afetr which, Kagawad Gacias, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the USL group through a simple message.
The launching activity was successfully and joyfully participated in by preschoolers through the assistance of library staff and BLIS students as facilitators, storytellers and Nursery rhymes’ teachers. After the activity sessions, turn-over of documents and reading materials to the Day Care teacher, Mrs. Maribeth Tallud was done.
The program was concluded by a short message given by the OIC-Director of Libraries by expressing her gratitude in behalf of USL family to preschoolers, parents, visitors, barangay officials and most especially to the Day Care Teacher, Mrs. Maribeth Tallud for the warm welcome and acceptance.