University Libraries, University of Saint Louis


DSC_0061On August 9, 2013, the University Libraries successfully launched the American Collection Area (ACA) and more Electronic Resources. Few days prior launching, the library staff-organizers made a teaser utilizing Minion Rush and 4 Pics 4 Words. The affair was graced by the University Administrators-Dr. Emmanuel James P. Pattaguan and Dr. Delailah B. Valencia, deans, faculty members, personnel and students of the university.
As a backgrounder, a visual presentation on the Online Resources and the American Collection was shown. The highlight of the event was the Cutting of Ribbon for the Online Resources and the ACA ledby Dr. Valencia and Dr. Pattaguan. To add more flavor to the activity, “infoquest” about the Online Resources and ACA was conducted. Prizes were given to students who gave correct answers. Activities like this are a clear indication of the Libraries’ unending quest for collection development whose ultimate aim is bringing information resources at the finger tips of the Louisian readers.

You Can Classify (YCC)

“Be the one to try … Cause you can classify!”

The Technical Section of the College Library conducted an activity called “You Can Classify” (YCC) on December 12 2013. The objectives were: to inform the library users of the newly acquired library materials;  to make known to the library users a brief knowledge on the function of the Technical Section ; and to encourage the students to read books that interest them.

A simple video presentation showing the faces of the technical staff and their work preceded the activity. The library users participated in the activity where they guessed in which library section the newly acquired books belong. The winners were given extra library privileges as prizes. The Acquisition In-charge, Ms. Michelle Alilam and the Assistant Cataloger, Mr. Onofre  Unciano hosted the activity.

The following were the winners:

1. Castillo, Christine Joy

2. Lagundi , Marie Guia

3. Danao, Rica Jane

4. Erro, Jeojomar

5. Gannaban, Daisy

6. Gubatan, Manahan

7. Mateo, Ralph Cyril

79th NATIONAL BOOK WEEK CELEBRATION (November 24-30, 2013)

POEMWRITINGIn support to the annual National Book Week celebration with the theme “Libraries: Preservers and Promoters of Culture and Arts”, the University of Saint Louis Elementary Library celebrated the same last November 25-29, 2013 in partnership with Young Readers Club (YRC) through various activities participated by pupils including globe tour, storytelling, poster making, slogan making and poem writing. Winners of the different activities were given tokens and certificates. A book donation drive is still on going until December 20, 2013. The main objective of the book donation drive is to gather story books and reading materials in preparation for the forthcoming outreach activity of the department wherein an adopted day care center is the recipient of the book donation. Pupils in the different grade levels are encouraged to donate specially the officers and members of the (YRC).

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