The activity aimed to strengthen the use of the library in the learning process of students in the Science subject.
It was conducted at the Junior High School library at 4:00-5:00 PM. Mr. Marvin Baccay, Science Area Coordinator, and Mrs. Rosemarie Espanto, JHS Library Head, spearheaded the activity.
The experience through the Quiz Bee had given much joy and a lot of learnings to everyone especially those who participated. Continue to love Science, continue to go to the library to further the love for Science!
The library is indeed a very suitable place for obtaining advanced know-how and unique experiences in the area of science and technology! Kudos to the winners and to all aspirants of the said competition!
The following were the winners:
Top 3 Placers of the P.L.U.S. QUIZ BEE (Batch 1)
Champion: Churchille Kyler Montealto and Kyle David Jambaro (G7 - Wisdom)
2nd Placer: Vian Varick Taguiam and Lance Jefferson Bosi (G8 - St. Lorenzo Ruiz)
3rd Placer: Mhielle Venice Pattaguan and Zedrixk Ceanth Apeles (G7 - Philippians)
Top 3 Placers of the P.L.U.S. QUIZ BEE (Batch 2)
Champion: Jemima Ignacio and Ruben Borleo II (G7 - Wisdom)
2nd Placer: Mark Andrei Viloria and Hanz Leonard Balod (G8 – St. Clare)
3rd Placer: John Patrick Pua and Ezekiel Angelo Castillo (G8 – St. Paul)