University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

USL Elementary Library Donates Books

LarionBajoElementarySchool(Kinder)On February 3, 2014, the Elementary Library donated 134 titles of books (story books and subject reference books) to various elementary schools in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan. The recipients were Larion Bajo Elementary School, Larion Alto Elementary School, Namabbalan Sur Day Care Center, Namabbalan Norte Day Care Center Cataggaman  Pardo Elementary School, Cataggaman Viejo Day Care Center, Cataggaman Pardo Day Care Center, and Pallua East Elementary School. The materials donated came from the book donation drive conducted last November 2013 during the National book Week 2013 celebration where pupils from the USL Elementary department gave their personal collections of story books.

Furthermore, the elementary library also donated last February 9, 2014, 158 titles  of subject reference books plus 187 different titles of teachers manuals, teachers guides and syllabi through the request of the College of Tourism and Technical-Vocational Education (CTVED) academic outreach coordinator Diana T. Dalman and instructor Arnold Felipe C. Manus.  The books were awarded to Campo Iguig which served as initial collection to put up a mini library for the barangay with the objective of helping educate the children and the out-of-school-youth with the use of books.

Helping DPWH with their Library

librarydocumentation1021On December 13, Mrs. Guyos, Mrs. Cristobal and Ms. Alilam went to the Department of Public Works and Highways Region 02 Office to assist in the organization and beautification of their special library. In a day, much has been accomplished such as accessioning, stamping marks of ownership on, cataloguing and classifying technical reports, feasibility studies, manuals, handbooks, monthly reports, annual reports and miscellanies. 
With this small step, it is the hope of USL Libraries Director Pinto to forge a MOA with the office, establishing unique and practical partnership set to make the DPWH Library more effective.


authorvisit1National Book Week (NBW) 2013 was celebrated with gaiety, joviality and significance combined.  You see these in these events:

1. Author Visit.

Dr. Imogen Callangan came to the University with her coffee-table book “The Transformation of Tuguegarao City”. She talked about her book and her reading and writing experiences. She encouraged the Louisian Stars to read and take advantage of the awesome High School Library.



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