University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

Fiction Section In-charge Conducts Read and Share Activity

20160122152321In the pursuit of USL Libraries’ desire to enhance students’ reading habits, the Fiction Section In-charge, Ms. Maria Theresa C. Bautista conducted a “Read and Share Activity” on January 22, 2016 at 3:00 PM at the 3rd floor Discussion Room of the College Library. The activity specifically aimed at encouraging more students to value and develop the love of reading fiction books; improving students’ social skills in delivering their thoughts in a clear manner; and promoting awareness among students of the latest fiction collection that are available for leisure reading.

The activity started with the sharing of Ms. Charmaine C. Masuli, Acquisitions Librarian and Mrs. Danoleene Marie P. Tugade, Reference & Online-Resources In-charge who shared their chosen novels and morals.

Thereafter, the participants started to share their respective favorite fiction book to the group underlining the title, author, and genre of the book and the reason why the sharer chose it.

The activity was participated by 7 students and was concluded with awarding of certificates of participation to all the participants and giving of stabs for extension of days and number of titles for overnight as their incentive for joining the activity.

Elementary Library Conducts Book Sharing

BOOKSHARING2With the aim of influencing pupils to love reading at a young age a book sharing activity among the Young Readers Club (YRC) officers and members was held last January 13, 2016 at the Elementary Library Audio Visual Room. This was facilitated by Ms. Mary Angelique H. Baylon, Library Support Staff. The participants shared with the group about a book they have personally chosen to read, including short stories, series and fact books.

The following are the sharers:

Name of sharers Title of the book shared Grade and Section
Ayla Denisse Baylon
Percy Jackson Series 6 TULIP
Beatrice Malana
Sisters 3 DAHLIA
Kirzten Kimberly Ponce Fright Night (Geronimo Stilton Series) 5 MARIGOLD
Jethro Pio Madrid Almanac 2016 5 MARIGOLD
Fionah Chanasia Guiquing The frog and the scorpion 4 IRIS
Xyzjeamme Kylle Pagunuran The curse of the cheese pyramid (Geronimo Stilton Series) 5 MARIGOLD

Book Club Conducts a Library Activity for Christmas 2015

100_1925On December 16, 2015, the Book Club, led by Miss Diane Nina Angela Pattaguan, in partnership with the High School Library conducted Christmas Song Picture Game, an activity fitting for the Christmas Season. The game highlights Louisan STARS’ inclination to and interest in music. It was held at the High School Library.

Winners: Cerene Quilang, Janine Bassig, Ira Asistores, and Chellezen Danao of Grade 9 Prudence

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