University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

3rd USL Book Mobile Project Deploys at Magalalag, Enrile Day Care Center

DSC_0515November 3, 2015 marked the 3rd Book Mobile project deployment at Magalalag, Enrile, Cagayan. Dr.  Juliet D. Villanueva, the OIC Director of Libraries emphasized in her Statement of Purpose the advantages of reading which has the power to boost a child’s learning potential in preparation for the foundation of academic excellence.

This activity was graced by the Barangay Captain ALBINO C. CARAG, who inspired the preschoolers in his welcome address, the Barangay Kagawad PURIFICACION T. CALIMAG who participated in the untying of ribbon, Barangay Kagawad LIBRADA L. MABAZZA who accepted and responded to the launching activity and MR. BEN B. ALLAM, another Barangay Kagawad who delivered his inspirational message.

Learning activities such as Story Telling Fiesta, Nursery Rhymes and Coloring Sessions were conducted during the launching activity. These activities were participated in by the preschoolers through the assistance of library staff and BLIS students as facilitators, storytellers and Nursery rhymes’ teachers.

The program was concluded by a short message given by the USL Community and Extension Services Coordinator, Mr. Herbert Corpuz.

The said activity was well appreciated by the book mobile recipients and it was indeed a success.

High School Library Celebrates National Book Week


ASEAN Integration”, the High School Library led by Mrs. Rosemarie A. Espanto conducted various activities participated in by the High School students and faculty. For the HS teachers to feel involved in the celebration of National Book Week, the High School Library prepared one contested event for them such as the Teacher Henyo as an opening of the celebration in November 9, 2015 where Ms. Mylene Zingabo was declared as winner. Seeing the happiness in their faces is also our consolation as librarians spearheading such activities.



Book Club Conducts Flag Parade

2As part of the Book Club’s support in the celebration of the UN Month, the Flag Parade was conducted. The flag parade activity’s objective was to identify the flags of the United Nations members as well as to add knowledge to the students about these nations. The activity was held at the High School Library on October 16, 2015 at 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. The facilitators of the said activity were the Book Club members. The facilitators displayed pictures of the different flags to the contenders, and they identified what country projects by the displayed flag and those who identified the correct answer gained point. One representative in each curriculum joined the said competition in each grade level.  The participant who garnered the highest score was declared the winner.

The winner was Lance Kasel Lasam of Grade 8 St. Peter.

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