Rev. Fr. Eugene A. Arco, CICM, the Vice President for Finance and Mr. Michael A. Pinto, the Director of Libraries received the Plaque of Recognition to the University Libraries being the PAARL 2010 Outstanding Academic and Research Library. The awarding ceremony was held at the National Library of the Philippines in Manila. The in-coming and out-going officers including the members of the Philippine Association of Academic and Research Librarians (PAARL) attended the said ceremony.
DOL and VP Finance Received the Award for the Library
The USL University Libraries Reap a National Award
The USL University Libraries did it!
The Philippine Association of Academic and Research Libraries (PAARL) has declared our College Library as the Most Outstanding academic and research library in the country for the year 2010.
University Libraries Conducts One-Day Forum on BFL Library Standards
The University Libraries conducted a One-day forum on BFL Library Standards for All Types of Libraries last December 10, 2010 at the Bulwagang Teodulfo Domingo, University of Saint Louis.
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