University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

Louisian Stars Elect New Book Club Officers

 As part of the High School Supreme Student Government activities each year, the High School Library Head, Mrs. Michelle A. Abella facilitated the election of the Book Club officers for School Year 2015-2016. The Election was held at the High School Library at 4:00 in the afternoon on June 24, 2015. In the same venue, 510 Louisian Stars registered as Book Club members the newly elected officers of the Book Club are the following:


 President: Diane Nina Angeli Pattaguan

Vice President: Kassandra Melad

Secretary: Ria Jaravata

Auditor: Maridane Pagatpatan

Treasurer: Alexis Calimlim

P.I. O. Michael Gammad


Grade 10 Science: Audrey Collado

Grade 10 Academic: Alexis Annang

Grade 9 Science: Chellezen Danao

Grade 8 Science: Kate Rivera

Grade 8 Academic: Dave Borja and Fiona Vicencio

Grade 7 Science: Ysabelle Singson

Grade 7 Academic: Kyle Rivera

 Mrs. Michelle A. Abella and Mrs. Rosemarie Espanto are the Club’s moderators.

Elementary Library Celebrates National Children’s Book Day

SAM_3327The Elementary Library, in cooperation with the Young Readers Club (YRC) and the Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) students celebrated the National Children’s Day on certain days of July 2015 through a series of meaningful activities for the Elementary Department. With the leadership of Mrs. Arlyn S. Cristobal, Elementary Library Head and Mr. Alfred B. Iringan, Assistant to the Elementary Library Head, activities such as Speed Reading among Grades 4 to 6 and Book Talks among Grades 1 to 3 were carried out. Other activities were Book Sharing and Speed Reading Contest among YRC members, where Mr. Aaron Aldrin Catig won.

Name of BLIS storytellers

Title of story


Date and Venue

Ms. Dwight Llewe Gayo

Ang pagong at ang Matsing” originally written by Jose P. Rizal”

Preschool Rose

July 10, 2015


Ms. Hanna Lee Erro

Ms. Anne Christine Temporal

Si langgam at si Tipaklong” retold by Alberta Angeles and drawn by Renato Gamos.

Kindergarten Camia

July 10, 2015


Ms. Xylene Gangan

Ms. Jee Ann Encarnacion

“Bakit ang tagal ng sundo ko?” Kristine Canon

Preschool Sunflower

July 24, 2015


Ms. Sally Calayan

Ms. Kristine Joy Bañaga

“Si wako: ang kuwagong pilyo”

ni Vilgilio S. Almario

Kindergarten Sampaguita

July 31, 2015


Young Readers Club Won First Place During The Clubs Fair 2015

img307The Young Readers Club (YRC) won 1st PLACE and was awarded as the “BEST CLUB EXHIBIT during the annual Clubs Fair of the Elementary Department conducted on June 24-June 30, 2015. The YRC and the Elementary Library staff YRC advisers,  Arlyn S. Cristobal and Alfred B. Iringan, spearheaded a book display to promote and inform the pupils from Grades 3 to 6 of the privileges of being a YRC member and of the different activities conducted by the club. The YRC booth was artistically put up with the assistance of the Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) on-the job trainees, Kristine Angela Bayani and Antonette Marie Malan. This activity likewise served as a promotional strategy to instill among the children the love for libraries, reading and appreciation of books at an early age.

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