As part of the USL-University Libraries’ commitment to uplift the condition of libraries in the Cagayan Valley Region, LIS faculty members (spearheaded by Mrs. Arlyn S. Cristobal), library staff (Mrs. Venus Guyos, Mrs. Juliet Villanueva, Mrs. Michelle Abella, Mr. Jayson Mark Cabulay, Mr. Avel Perseus Tallud, Mr. Alfred Iringan, Ms. Charmaine Masuli, Ms. Rosemarie Alejo, Ms. Analyn Malana) and Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) students conducted outreach activities at Gadu Elementary and High School, Gadu, Solana, Cagayan last December 18, 2014. Activities conducted include: storytelling, library makeover, book donations and at the same time, promotion of the BLIS program offered at University of Saint Louis.
On November 13-14, 2014, the University Libraries co-sponsored a free Training-Workshop on Storytelling for day care-center workers and public librarians with the Cagayan and Kalinga Apayao (CaAKAP) Librarians Association, CICM Consortium and Cagayan Provincial Learning and Resource Center. It was held in Hotel Ivory, Tuguegarao City. The project came from a grant funded by the Thomas Jefferson Information Center.
Among the speakers were English Language Fellow to the University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao Jakob Bills, and National Library of the Philippines librarians Melanie Ramirez and Christine Sarmiento, who discussed topics such as Storytelling and its Role to Learning as well as Storytelling Techniques.
USL Celebrates 80th National Book Month
The college library of the University of Saint Louis celebrated the 80th National Book Month in November 2014 with the theme: “Philippine Libraries: Future Possibilities.” Through the leadership of Dr. Juliet D. Villanueva, College Library Head, the celebration highlighted different activities and contested events to showcase the resources and collections of the college library as part of its marketing and promotion program. Table below shows the series of activities conducted and discloses list of winners in each of the contested events facilitated by all college library staff:
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