August 9, 2013, the
University Libraries successfully launched the
American Collection Area (ACA) and more
Electronic Resources. Few days prior launching, the library staff-organizers made a teaser utilizing
Minion Rush and 4 Pics 4 Words. The affair was graced by the
University Administrators-Dr. Emmanuel James P. Pattaguan and
Dr. Delailah B. Valencia,
deans, faculty members, personnel and
students of the university.
As a backgrounder, a visual presentation on the Online Resources and the American Collection was shown. The highlight of the event was the
Cutting of Ribbon for the
Online Resources and the
ACA ledby
Dr. Valencia and
Dr. Pattaguan. To add more flavor to the activity,
“infoquest” about the
Online Resources and
ACA was conducted. Prizes were given to students who gave correct answers. Activities like this are a clear indication of the Libraries’ unending quest for collection development whose ultimate aim is bringing information resources at the finger tips of the Louisian readers.