Who Said It, Name It: A Quiz Bee

The said activity aims to help the students to familiarize with the library resources and to gives awareness on famous quotes from well-known authors.
The activity was spearheaded by Ms. Antonettemarie D. Malana, SEAITE Librarian.
Students from the different College department participated in the said activity. Winners received school supplies and certificates. The activity was evaluated by the participants generally as STRONGLY AGREE.
Below is the list of winners:
1. Kyla Keisha C. Suyu – BSGE 2
2. Norbert F. Sison -BSCE 3
3. Rose Mae V. Andrada - BSGE 2
Comic Strip-Making Contest

The activity aims to:
1. Provide an opportunity for the students to develop their critical thinking skills by engaging themselves in the conceptualization of the comic strip.
2. Promote appreciation of other literature forms.
3. Encourage students to appreciate the importance of the library through visual arts.
The abundance of imaginative minds of the participants creates a sense of kinship amongst talented writers, story tellers and artists who share their passion through creating a comic strip.
The activity was facilitated by Ms. Anne Christine T. Temporal (Readers Services Librarian).
College students from different departments were invited to join in the said activity and the following emerged as champions:
1st Rank - Castillo, John Patrick R. -2nd Year -BS Architecture
2nd Rank - Fronda, Pauline U. -2nd Year BS Civil Engineering
3rd Rank - Pajarillo, Jerome Elijah B.- 3rd Year -BS Education(English)
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