University Libraries, University of Saint Louis


IMG_2523One of the College Library’s programs this school year is the College Information Literacy Program (CILP), which includes the following:

1. Intensive Online Resources Orientation(EBSCOHost, Academic OneFile, Philippine E-Journals, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, etc.);

2. Learning Assembly on Preparing Literature Matrix; and

3. Learning Assembly on Source Documentation and Citation.

To fully implement CILP, a CILP team has given a training-workshopto all Research classes of the different schools in the university. The training-workshop lasted for almost a month, from July 10 to August 8, 2015.

All in all, the activity was a success!

USL Book Mobile Project Launching News Published In The Philippine Daily Inquirer

USL Book Mobile Project Launching news written by Venus Guyos, Director of Libraries, and edited by Maceckrell De la Cruz, Publications Director, was published in the August 25 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer. Said news can be found on Section E: Playgrounds for the Minds featuring news about schools all over the country.

Book Club Conducts Book Relay among its Members

4On July 29, 2015, Book Club President Diane Nina Angeli V. Pattaguan spearheaded the conduct of Book Relay meant to develop a strong camaraderie among all Book Club members. With fastest speed and utmost accuracy, the members of the winning team were:

Jaypee Mansibang (Grade 10- Juan Luna)

Jaycob Bassig (Grade 10- Juan Luna)

Pia Koreen A. Corpuz (Grade 9- Generosity)

Rhia Khryzelle I. Saguibo (Grade 9- Prudence)

Stephanie Kate M. Cera (Grade 7- Leviticus)

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