University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

Freshmen and Transferees’ Library Orientation 2014

DSC_1381Annually, the College Library of the University of Saint Louis is conducting a Library Orientation as its participation to the University’s General Orientation Program for freshmen and transferees. This year, the library has put emphasis on this annual ritual than ever before, hoping that time and energy expended during the summer will boost student success and avert problems during the school year. 
The Director of Libraries together with the College Library Head and Staff worked together for the success of the said activity. Discussions on the history of the University Libraries, Library Guidelines and Policies and the Online Resources including the newly acquired Follett Destiny Database were carried out. To give the students a virtual tour of the library and to know the people who man the library, presentation on the Library Facilities and Library Staff was shown.


IMG_7345New Year! New Collection! New Beginning! The University Libraries successfully launched on February 03, 2014, the Chinese Collection Area (CCA) and Academic OneFile. Academic OneFile is  the premier source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources with extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects. Academic OneFile is both authoritative and comprehensive. With millions of articles available in both PDF and HTML full-text with no restrictions, researchers are able to find accurate information quickly and include full-text coverage of the New York Times back to 1995 and it is updated daily. The event was graced by University officials, faculty members, personnel, and students of the University.



Director Pinto is 2013 PAARL Outstanding Academic Librarian

Three years after USL Libraries was named “Outstanding Academic Library in the Philippines in 2010”, Director Michael A. Pinto was hailed “2013 PAARL Outstanding Academic Librarian”. He accepted the award at the PAARL General Assembly held at the National Library of the Philippines on January 30, 2014. Pinto was a deserving awardee as he performed exceptional leadership roles as the Director of Libraries of USL for 8 years. His active leadership as current Vice President of Philippine Librarians Association Inc., President of PLAI-Cagayan Valley Region Librarians Council, founder of Cagayan and Kalinga-Apayao Librarians Association, his being a teacher, author, resource speaker, trainer, BLIS teacher, and good adviser are only few of the many things that made him a great librarian, truly deserving of the citation.

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