University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

Virtual Trivia Ft. Bible Storybooks

The USL Elementary Library has conducted Virtual Trivia Ft. Bible Storybooks on December 3, 2021 virtually via NEO LM. The said activity aims to:
1) test the familiarity of pupils on the Bible collections available at the library;
2) promote reading of Bible to the lower grades.
The activity was facilitated by Ms. Ana Aura Uy (Elementary Library Head) and Ms. Jessa Lannao (Reader’s and Technical Services Librarian). Pupils from Grades 1 – 3 for Junior Category and pupils from Grades 4 – 6 for Senior Category participated in the said activity.
The following emerged as champions:
Name Grade & Section Rank
Junior Category
Carag, Xiandra Diane 1 - Daisy 1st
Lingan, Francis Raphael 3 - Dahlia 2nd
Mabborang, Sean Eustace 2 – Ilang-ilang 3rd
Senior Category
Tanguilan, Vermilione Jewel 4 - Jasmine 1st
Pawar, Ashmanpreet Kaur 5 - Cattleya 2nd
Tamani, Sophia Andrea Marjerie 4 - Jasmine 3rd

Online Quiz Bee featuring the BSP Collections!

The University Libraries invites you to the Online Quiz Bee featuring the BSP(Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas) Collections!
Interested Louisian students may register thru
For more details visit .

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Donation of Books to St. Francis Academy, Sta. Teresita, Cagayan

The Saint Francis Academy at Sta. Teresita, Cagayan has received books from the University of Saint Louis Libraries on November 23, 2021. There were 300 volumes from the Junior High School Library and 300 volumes from the Elementary School Library. The school's Libary-in-Charge, Ms. Ariane Andrada, accepted and acknowledged receipt of the 600 volumes provided by the library.

The donation of books was spearheaded by the Technical Services Librarian, Mrs. Alma Iquin, together with the Junior High School Head, Mrs. Rosemarie Alejo, and the University President Fr. Neil Sta. Ana, CICM, Mr. Bryan Urita, Marketing Officer, Mr. Jayvin Taguba, Acting CECA Director, and other faculty and students to come along and carry the books to the school.

The school sisters were happy and appreciative for the books because their request had been granted, and this will and will help to provide additional references for students and teachers to utilize in their collections.

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