University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

Pupils and Teachers: Excited About New Library Acquisitions

newacquisitionsIn the Summer Book Fair conducted at the College Library May 22-24, 2013, Elementary teachers selected books and multimedia materials for the Elementary Library. Of all the materials selected, a total of twenty-seven (27) titles were multimedia materials and eighty-one (81) titles and volumes were print materials. A new acquisitions display was also conducted inside the library which was enjoyed by pupils. Most of the new story books were already checked out on the first day they were allowed to be borrowed. Non-book materials were already borrowed by teachers.

EMS: Now on Its Second Month

EMSUSL Elementary Library continues to keep up-to-date with the fast changing demands of technology. Starting July 27, 2013, pupils no longer fill out the logbook upon entering the library, instead, they just swipe their ID card on the Entrance Monitoring System (EMS). The newly installed EMS aims to automate and accurately generate library attendance statistics of pupils and teachers.

High School Library Promo

bd21. Blind Date With A Book
Books have been wrapped, with their barcodes written outside.  They have been displayed in a corner for students to seize and check out in their account. This way, the identity of the book remains a secret until it is brought home where the student-borrower shall have a date with the book itself. Their book dates? Fiction books! Surprise, surprise!

2. Explore Your Folklore

Books on epics, myths, legends, games, fables and folktales of the Philippines were featured. Students had a re-acquaintance with these subjects anew.

3. Loot bags on the Feast of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

Happy Feast Day of Saint Louis! Books have been transformed to loot bags for students to grab and go! All the books in the bag were either about prayers, inspirational stories, spiritual reflections, written teenage love stories with God, daily grind or Bibles for youths! Great bag! To add to this, the history of St. Louis was printed for students to read.

4. Library’s Best and Finest Delicacy: Books

In celebration of the Nutrition Month, cook books were paraded in the exhibit corner of the Library. Students literally and figuratively devoured on these books as they tried to find their way to improving their cooking skills.

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