University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

High School Library conducts Reading Buddies

20150731-0016Ms. Analyn Malana, High School circulation In-charge conducted the activity “Reading Buddies” on July 27, 28, and 31 at the High School Library. The specific objectives of the activity were: to encourage more students to value and develop the love of reading, to improve their social skills by delivering a story in a clear manner, and to familiarize students with the library collection.

The said activity was participated by pairs of fiction readers who shared their story to each other after which they were asked to share some good points/learning out from the story. The participants were given the privilege to double the number of fiction books that they may borrow and an extension of another one week of use for the said books. Certificates of appreciation too were awarded to them during the Flag Ceremony on August 3, 2015.

Book Club Conducts Extend the End Contest

101_0275In celebration of the Nutrition Month, the Book Club Members through its President, Ms. Diane Nina Angela V. Pattaguan spearheaded the “Extend the End” contest held at the High School Library on July 23, 2015 at 4:00 in the afternoon. Such activity was meant to develop the writing skills of the students. A short video clip regarding the theme “Timbang Iwasto sa Tamang Nutrisyon at Ehersisyo” was viewed by the participants, after which they wrote an epilogue of what will happen to the characters in the next 5-10 years The following were the winners:

 Grade 7 (Science): 

Christian Jeric D. Carosus - Genesis

Mica Cassandra Perez - Genesis

Grade 8 (Science):

Angela Joy Q. Balod – St. Peter

Geiki D. Dayag – St. Peter

Grade 9 (Academic):

Samantha Coleen A. Escobar – Chastity

Kimberly Joy P. Lacambra – Chastity

Grade 10 (Academic):

Maria Chrispina A. Accad – Melchora Aquino

Erica A. Lagda – Melchora Aquino

Book Club Opens Up Nutrition Month with Health Quiz Bee

2As an opening activity of the Book Club for the Nutrition Month, a Health Quiz Bee was conducted on July 15, 2015 at 4:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. at the High School Library to promote health information. Questions were taken from MAPEH books, health books, and general references at the High School Library. Ms. Diane Nina Angeli V. Pattaguan, the Book Club President and Ms. Maridane Pagatpatan, Auditor, served as the quiz masters of the activity. The following emerged as winners:

1st place (Grade-10 Academic): Queenie Angela C. Maggay & Editha C. Valerio - Melchora Aquino

2nd place (Grade-10 Science): Athena V. Asuncion & Genevie D. Dayag – Jose Rizal

3rd place (Grade-8 Science): Angela Joy. Q. Balod & Geiki D. Dayag – St. Peter

Aside from prizes, the winners were also awarded with certificates during the Nutrition Month Culminating Activity held at the James Ter Meer Gymnasium.

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