University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

Young Readers Club Won First Place During The Clubs Fair 2015

img307The Young Readers Club (YRC) won 1st PLACE and was awarded as the “BEST CLUB EXHIBIT during the annual Clubs Fair of the Elementary Department conducted on June 24-June 30, 2015. The YRC and the Elementary Library staff YRC advisers,  Arlyn S. Cristobal and Alfred B. Iringan, spearheaded a book display to promote and inform the pupils from Grades 3 to 6 of the privileges of being a YRC member and of the different activities conducted by the club. The YRC booth was artistically put up with the assistance of the Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) on-the job trainees, Kristine Angela Bayani and Antonette Marie Malan. This activity likewise served as a promotional strategy to instill among the children the love for libraries, reading and appreciation of books at an early age.

Elementary Library Conducts Annual Orientation

WP02As part of the Elementary Library’s education services, the staff conducted  Library Orientation among pupils, teachers and parents. Topics covered in the orientation were policies and guidelines, services, as well as resources. Library guidelines in pamphlet form were distributed after the orientation for pupils, teachers and parents  to refer to. The following were the recipients of the orientation vis-a-vis the dates and venue.

Elementary Teachers

June 3, 2015

Elementary Library

Grades 4-6

June 10, 2015

James Ter Meer Gymnasium

Grades 1 and 3

June 19, 2015

LIP integrated in classrooms


June 20, 2015

Bulwagang Teodulfu Domingo

The activity was well-appreciated by all participants.

College Library Conducts Freshmen Orientation

DSC_0966As part of the University Libraries’ education service, the College Library spearheaded the four-day Library Orientation Program for freshmen and transferees. Topics discussed during the Orientation were: History of the University Libraries, University Libraries Staff, Library Policies & Guidelines, and Resources and Services. A virtual tour was presented to familiarize the students with the sections and facilities of the library. The Orientation Program was conducted to introduce the students to the library’s wealth of resources as well as to strengthen their research skills and inculcate the value of reading in them. The table below shows the schedule of the Orientation Program per department:




1st Day (June 16, 2015)


2nd & 3rd floors college library

2nd Day (June 17, 2015)


2nd floor college library


3rd floor college library

3rd Day (June 18, 2015)


2nd &3rd floors college library

4th Day (June 19, 2015)


2nd floor college library


3rd floor college library

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