University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

3rd Re-Deployment of USL Book Mobile

The University of Saint Louis Libraries has once again successfully re-deployed the Book Mobile Project at Magalallag Day Care Center Magalallag, Enrile on August 31, 2017.

The third redeployment was spearheaded by the Technical Section Head, Ms. Alma Gacias together with the participation of two (2) library staff: Maria Theresa Bautista, Health and Allied Sciences and Graduate School In-Charge and the Bryan Jay David, Circulation In-Charge in cooperation with the BLIS students.

The group facilitated various activities such story telling fiesta, nursery rhymes and coloring.

The reading materials will stay in the said center for two (2) months in order to maximize the use of materials.


In support to the Kaibigan ng Kalikasan Program of the University of Saint Louis, the Young Readers Club (YRC) officers conducted Adopt-A-Plant and Plant Propagation activity last January 27, 2017.

Mrs. Arlyn Cristobal, YRC adviser and Elementary Library Head asked each YRC officer to bring their own cuttings of plants, plant them on existing pots with soil, and take care of them until the end of the school year. Some YRC officers were also assigned plants from the existing collection of the library to adopt and take care of. The objectives of the activity are: (1) to imbibe among pupils their role in protecting the environment in their own simple ways and (2) to keep them aware of the KKP being implemented in the university.  The activity was spearheaded by Juan Carlos Pajarillo, YRC President.

Happy Newspaper Day! – a quiz bee activity

The Serials librarian, Mr. Avel Perseus G. Tallud opened the year 2017 with an activity entitled “Happy Newspaper Day!”, a Quiz Bee meant to entice students  to read print and non-print newspapers available at the Serials Section of the USL College library.  It was conducted at the 2nd floor College Library on January 23, 2017 at 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon. In her opening remarks the Director of Libraries, Mrs. Venus I. Guyos took the chance to promote the importance of reading newspapers for college students to enhance their awareness of current events.

The objectives of the activity are: to enhance student’s good reading habit that can provide a great sense of educational value; to empower students with the new understanding of what has been, what is now, and what can be; and to provide interesting things and ideas which can assist students in their learning process about general information.

The winners are as follows: 1st Place - Jonel B. Rodriguez and Kristian Jay A. Sto. Tomas from SEAS, 2nd Place – Mica G. Molina and Julie Ann Acosta from SEAIDITE, 3rd Place – Michael Angelo M. Enfectana and Eigel U. Daleja from SABH. Certificate of Recognition and tokens were awarded to the winners and certificates of participation were given to all the participants. Mrs. Juliet D. Villanueva, College Library Head expressed her gratitude to all the participants and motivated other students to join library events too as she ended the activity with her closing remarks.

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