University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

Elementary Library Conducts Tongue Twister Contest

p1The USL Elementary Library in partnership with the Young Readers Club conducted Tongue Twister and Tongue Twister Making Contests on September 2, 2016 at the Elementary Audio Visual Room. The objectives of the activity were: to develop among pupils their communication skills (both written and oral) and to market the tongue twister collection of the library. The activity was facilitated by Ms. Mary Angelique H. Baylon, Assistant to the Elementary Library Head. The winners can be gleaned from the table below:

Contested Event Name of Winner Category Grade and Section
Tongue Twister Recital Princess Jeramycah G. Forelon Junior division Grade 4 Jasmine
Tongue Twister Recital Steven Joshua G. Narag Senior division Grade 5 Catleya
Tongue Twister Making Juan Carlos P. Pajarillo Senior division Grade 6 Daffodil

The participants enjoyed the activities and anticipate more activities in the future.

Elementary Library Conducts Speed Reading and Storytelling

DSC_1019As part of the Elementary Library's promotional and marketing strategy and also in support to the National Children's Book Day, the Elementary Library spearheaded by the Elementary Library Head conducted "on-the-spot speed reading with comprehension" last July 8 and 15 among the Grades 4 to 6 pupils. The objective of the activity is to foster reading culture and love for libraries among pupils. Oral storytelling and shadow puppet was also conducted last July 29, 2016 among Preschool and Kindergarten pupils featuring the stories "The Little Mermaid", "Gingerbread Man", "Bruhahaha, Bruhihihi" and "Bakit matagal ang sundo ko" Featured stories were told by BLIS students Ms. Llewe Dwight Gayo (3rd year student), Angelica Joy Cauilan  and Janelle Buco who are both  On-the-Job trainees assigned at the Elementary Library. The storytelling was well appreciated by the pupils.

Serials Librarian Conducts Read and Share Activity

IMG_20160127_170504Mr. Alfred Iringan, College Serials Librarian spearheaded the conduct of Read and Share on January 27, 2016, 3:00 PM at the 2nd Floor Discussion Room of the College Library. The activity aimed to encourage more students to read print journals and magazines; improve student’s social skills in delivering their thoughts; and promote awareness of the latest Serial subscriptions available for research and leisure reading purposes.

The activity joyously commenced with the articles shared by Mrs. Josephine Taguinod, Assistant Cataloger and Mr. Onofre Unciano, General Collection Librarian. They were followed by twelve (12) students, each eagerly sharing their choicest article.

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