On December 16, 2015, the Book Club, led by Miss Diane Nina Angela Pattaguan, in partnership with the High School Library conducted Christmas Song Picture Game, an activity fitting for the Christmas Season. The game highlights Louisan STARS’ inclination to and interest in music. It was held at the High School Library.
Winners: Cerene Quilang, Janine Bassig, Ira Asistores, and Chellezen Danao of Grade 9 PrudenceCILP Among Research and Thesis Writing Classes
USL College Libraries Forms Reading Buddies
In pursuit of the University’s desire to enhance reading habit, the College Library instituted Reading Buddies on December 11, 2015 at the 3rd Floor College Library Discussion Room, where two skilled and fluent readers which have equal ability to read, shared their readings to each other, and later, both of them shared their reading to a bigger group consisting of 15 students.
Such activity aimed to encourage more students to value and develop the love of reading. The activity was spearheaded by the General Collection Librarian, Mr. Onofre C. Unciano Jr.More Articles...
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