University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

12-12-12 Not The End But A Beginning

DSC_0503In line of a phenomenal day 12-12-12, which some would consider  as the "End of the World", the University Libraries took the opportunity to start a new beginning as it introduces the National Geographic Magazine Online last December 12, 2012 at the 2nd Floor, College Library. The event started with a simple program with Dr. Delailah Valencia, the VP PDQAA giving the opening remarks after which, Mr. Michael Pinto, the Director of Libraries had a simple discussion how the said online resource was able to be included in the library’s resources. A video presentation was also viewed by those present in the event featuring the National Geographic Magazine’s history and its contents and a presentation of other online resources linked in the University Library’s website. Also present in the event were the different Deans and Vice Presidents of the University. The National Geographic Magazine Online includes issues from its first publication in 1888 until present, except for the last two months. The acquisition of such was done through the CICM Consortium which includes the four CICM schools in Luzon. In fact, only the members of the consortium have this database on the country, making it a momentous event in the history of CICM schools in the Philippines.

University Libraries Celebrated National Book Week 2012

1In support of the annual Library and Information Services month every November, the USL Libraries celebrated in particular, the National Book Week last November 24-30, 2012. Various activities and contested events were done in different departments. The Grade School library  in partnership with Young Readers Club (YRC) had book exhibit, book donation drive, slogan making, poster making, poem writing and storytelling with book character parade participated by pupils in the department. In the high school, storytelling, book marathon, movie marathon, and  big book making, book talks, globe tour and classical books festival  were participated by students in the department.

In the college department, the School of Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts (SEAFA) bagged the most “first” in various contested events. The activities were initiated by the Student Organization of Library and Information Science (SOLIS) in partnership with the College Library. Contested events includes: doodle writing, poem writing, tandem telling, storytelling, original declamation, haiku marathon, pencil poster and story knifing.

USL University Libraries and CaAKAp Librarians Association Forum conducted One-day

pic1The role of library in the academic institutions is unbeatable, to say so because the library, it being the heart of the school, is primed responsive and accessible source of print and non-print information.

Having said this, the Cagayan and Kalinga-Apayao (CaAKAp) Librarians Association, Inc. in cooperation with the University of Saint Louis has conducted a Forum on the Role of Librarians in the Philippines Education System.


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