University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

JHS Library Conducts In-Service Training on Source Documentation to the Faculty

The Junior High School Library held the Source Documentation training for the faculty on December 11, 2020, via Google meet App. Mrs. Arlyn S. Cristobal, the College Library Head, was the speaker of the said event.

The training objectives are as follows: 1.) to acknowledge other writers and researchers' contribution to your work, 2.) consistently and accurately citing the source helps you avoid plagiarism in your writing, 3. to signify the work's quality by considering the extent of information included in the new work created.

The in-text citation and reference listing were the topics discussed during the training. The training equipped the faculty with more strategies in composing their modules for the learners.

National Book Week 2020

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Launching of USL Library Mobile Application

Stay tuned for the upcoming launching of the USL Library Mobile Application!
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