University Libraries, University of Saint Louis

Library Updates


1.) As part of the collection development program of the library, the library purchased books for the different areas of the different schools to update the library collection. As of August 2009, a total 466 titles with 965 volumes of books were added to the library collection. For non-print materials (includes DVD, CD, VCD) a total of 52 titles were acquired. New laminated maps were also acquired to update our old map collection. Additional books are still on process for the Nursing section. All of these materials are now available at the different sections of the college library except for the nursing books which are still on processing.


2.) A donation of books from the Chinese consulate were received by the library.

3.) To provide a place where students can discuss their lessons, a bigger discussion room was constructed at the third floor.

4.) The Internet Multimedia Office is now under the supervision of the Director of Libraries and already a section of the University Libraries. As part of restructuring program, the office was restructured providing new computer tables and new arrangement were done to make the office more student-friendly.

5.) Additional five computers will be acquired which will serve as a multimedia facility for students who would like to view documentary films, audio recordings and movies related to their subjects. The computer units will be equipped with multimedia gadgets (headphones, DVD ROM) for better viewing of the students.

6.) A Digital Archiving System was established last summer. Annual Yearbooks and some pertinent documents like OTR and other school records are being digitized to preserve the said materials. This is the first of its kind project in the region.

7.) The library website is now available online. The WEB OPAC is now available through the website including new acquisition, the vision mission, rules and regulation of the library and some links to free online resources. Just visit

8.) The subscription for Academic Source Premier online journal under the EBSCO Company was renewed last August of this year. This is to continue our subscription for the said online journal since the said online journal are very helpful to researchers especially those undertaking research subjects. For students who would like to search on the said online journal, visit the University Library website at or For your user ID and your password, please inquire at the office of the Director of Libraries or any library staff for any assistance.

9.) Additional five multimedia computers were bought to be used for viewing of documentary films and video clips related to their subjects.

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